Trimona.Live Younger.

We can’t legally promise that you’re going to live longer if you eat Trimona, but we feel pretty good about suggesting that you will LIVE YOUNGER (because nobody officially can say what that actually means. Officially, that is).

USDA organic

Our Plain yogurt is certified as organic. Our milk comes from cows that are grass-fed from organic pastures and are treated with no antibiotics nor given artificial hormones.

NON GMO verified

The cows that produce the milk for our yogurt are not fed with genetically engineered crops.

A2A2 tested

All the milk we are using in Trimona’s yogurt production comes from A2A2 cows and contains a much easier to digest milk protein called A2 beta-casein.

KETO verified

Our yogurt is low in carbs and thus suitable for Keto diet followers.

Our A2A2 milk

At Trimona, our milk quality standards are incredibly high.We need our milk to be Organic, Non-GMO Verified, Kosher and come from A2A2 tested and grass-fed cows. Basically, the best milk we can find.

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Bulgarian yogurt

Yogurt has been a staple of health and longevity in Bulgaria for centuries – Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the live culture responsible for making all yogurts is native to Bulgaria. Bulgarian yogurt has a distinctly tart taste and is low in sugar.

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Where to find our products


Cooking with Trimona

Dive into the world of Trimona Yogurt deliciousness! Our recipes mix the creamy magic of Trimona into yummy salty and sweet treats, making your taste buds do a happy dance.

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